Minnesota Web Redesign Company

Minnesota Web Design Company

Website Redesign MN

Minnesota WebSite ReDesign

We provide companies professional web site redesign services that convey the image you want and get the results you expect. Click here to browse our design gallery for some redesign ideas.

The days of the FrontPage produced web sites with pre-made templates are over! You know, the ones with the big rectangular buttons on the left side with the jagged edges and the sandpaper looking background? If your web site gives the message of “cheap” or “home made” or “tight budget,” that’s exactly what your web site visitors will think of your product and company! Don’t Let Your Visitors be Distracted from the Sales Process. Getting a web site visitor to pick up the phone and call you for a quote, or send an email, or buy whatever it is you’re selling online….is MUCH easier if there is no negative distraction.

If your colors are not psychologically inspiring, your layout does not make use of how nearly 95% of all web site visitors move their eyes through a web page, and you don’t move your visitors to action, you’re just wasting time and money. Your web site needs to be designed in a way that puts people at ease so that they’re more comfortable reading the contents of your web site.

How Our Minnesota WebSite ReDesign Company and Re-Design Process is Different from the Rest:

1) Most redesign companies will ask, “What do you want in a web site design?”
We ask, “What do you believe your visitors would expect?”

2) Most website redesign companies will ask for some web sites you like.
We have you complete an 18-page web site preflight that tells us everything we need to know about your product or service, your competition, your demographic target. We REALLY know a lot about your business before we make the first design.

3) Most redesign companies prevent you from making changes to your web site.
We encourage you to make edits to your pages. And, we even give you a way to do it that’s as easy as MS Word!

4) Most redesign companies keep control of your files.
We demand you have access to all of your usernames and passords.

5) Most redesign compananies are only good at “design.”
We recognize design of a web site as only a small piece of the overall Internet marketing umbrella. And, we offer many of those services as well.

To sum it up on a word, Syberplex web site designs simply deliver. And, that word “deliver” means so many things. Our designs deliver on results and performance. Just as importantly, they deliver expectation and pride. More importantly than any of those, YOU ar the one that remains in control of the entire process. And, that control will give you a sense of pride that you made the right desision with involving Syberplex with your project.